Reinterpreting Rudolph’s Reinclusion

Reinterpreting Rudolph’s Reinclusion (c) Dec 1, 2021

by Rob Targos

The story of Rudolph became a twisted tale.

It started off because of his shiny red inhaler.

Because of the difference noticed by the other deer 

The conspicuous animal was left isolated by all of his peers.

Based on the distinct glowing-nostril trait,

The gang gave in to a guffawning  nature, toward their fur mate.

Fueled by primitive fear, different is not wrong, just more innate.

They used laughter and name calling, so Rudolph couldn’t participate.

Stunned by Rudolph’s divergent face, others’ anxieties and cold feet flared.

Confusion and rude snubs clouded other minds, as thoughts were bitterly aired. 

Exclusion masked discomfort, so the game-space could not be openly shared.

Left alone, Rudolph felt overwhelmingly scared.

 Then Santa saw how that particular marooned nose,

Helped clear up a wintry fog problem that arose.

Rudolph slayed the popular cool attitudes that unfroze.

Their demeanor thawed leaving him with friends, in a new pose. 

Difficult weather conditions, he scaled. 

In the sky, Rudolph smoothly sailed.

Leaving others to follow his leadership trail.

And with his light, generations celebrated how Rudolph prevailed.

Poetry note: If you read it again the guffawning nature combines guffaw or a laugh, and fawning nature. I used  literary license to create and share space to make a new word.